Lord, Help Me To Keep Things In Perspective (Psalm 39) Sometimes trouble falls upon us over a long period of time. Sometimes we don’t get a happy ending, or at least that doesn’t happen for...
God Is In Control (Genesis 25:19-28) We have a simple sermon today with a simple main point and a simple thing to walk away with, it is that God is in control. As Charles...
Guilt and Shame Lead To Repentance (38) Feelings of shame and guilt are no longer considered useful in our society anymore. “Have you no shame?” was still heard when I was a...
Live Faithfully To The End, For The Lord Will Be Faithful To You (Genesis 25:1-18) The Book of Genesis, in form and structure, is a genealogy. But it’s a genealogy the way that Southerner’s might tell a genealogy. The...
We Walk In Dependence Upon God As We Live By Faith In His Promises (Genesis 24) Some people have incredibly memorable last words. Nathan Hale, an American Revolutionary officer who was hanged for treason against the...
Care For Your Family In Light Of God’s Promises (Genesis 23) Genesis 23 is a chapter that is a little confusing. We see Abraham being incredibly insistent to purchase a property that is offered to him...
God Is In Control, And Christian, He Cares For You (Genesis 22:20-24) Have you ever looked at a tapestry? Have you ever looked at the back of a tapestry? A picture is sewn into the fabric. Some of these are...
A World Conquering Faith (Genesis 22:1-19) The testing of Abraham is a passage of Scripture that captures our imagination. The narrative is well written and by the time we get to...
Don’t Overheat, Trust the Lord (Psalm 37) Money is made by people who can manipulate your emotions. Therefore, your emotions are manipulated often. News organizations thrive on the...