God Send Your Light Amid The Darkness (Psalm 43) The context of this psalm is much the same as last weeks. In fact, a lot of people believe Psalm 43 is part 2 of that. But it is different....
Conform Yourself To The Truth (Genesis 1-3) Sometimes a big event happens, and it just interrupts all our regularly scheduled activities. And, as happened with a few other events over...
God Is Stronger Than Your Sin (Genesis 29:31-30:24) The Book of Genesis is a book filled with beginnings. The beginning of the world, the beginning of sin, the beginning of God’s work of...
Remember The Gathering of God’s People And Preach God’s Great Love And Mercy Toward You (Psalm 42) We don’t live in an era of Christian consensus. That once existed here, but it is gone. Many people hate Christians with a passion, and...
God Disciplines Those Whom He Loves (Genesis 29:1-30) I want to open our sermon from the first book of the Bible with a verse from the last book of the Bible, Revelation 3:19. “Those whom I...
Amid Our Struggle, God Promises His Presence (Genesis 28:10-22) Our church had undergone a lot of hardships of late. Illness, death, and other things have been seen far too frequently for our liking of...
Have Courage, For God Is With You (Genesis 26:1-33) Fear is a powerful motivator. It might be the most powerful motivator, especially when we consider events that have taken place across the...
Lord, You Are My Deliverer (Psalm 40) There are many reasons to believe that Psalm 39-40 should be thought of as side a and b of a cassette tape or an 8 track. They are part of...
Be Thankful For and Treasure The Gift Of God’s Grace (Genesis 25:23-34) The story of Jacob and Esau, and the “red stew” is often told as a precautionary tale. The message is typically framed as a warning...