How Do We Know God Exists? Morality Exists All cultures and civilizations have had law codes and morality. And, interestingly, there is a lot of overlap between societies. How can...
A Church Is Built By The Power Of God (Acts 16:6-40) Over a year ago, I remember working in my garden and wondering what on Earth was going to happen at this church. I think more clearly when...
God Can Draw A Straight Line With A Crooked Stick (Acts 15:30-16:5) We are going to be focusing in on two different things that work hand in hand as we go forth and carry the gospel to a lost and dying...
We Are Saved By Grace Through Faith (Acts 14:24-15:35) Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone. And that is the point of what is probably the central event in the entire Book of Acts. We...
How Do You Know That God Exists? Family, Marriage, and Societal Structures Prove It (Genesis 1:27) Society and morality exist. How did they get here? That is a question that, when answered, is another proof of God’s existence. The very...
How Do You Know That God Exists? God Has Revealed Himself In Nature (Romans 1:18-23) In the last post we saw that the heavens declare not only that God exists, but they declare His glory. Today, we will see much the same...
How Do You Know God Exists? The Heavens Declare It (Psalm 19:1) We live in a society that doesn’t automatically understand that God exists or that he created all things. And, whether you’ve heard it...
The Local Church Is Worth The Sacrifice (Acts 14:21-23) We have separated our spiritual lives from our physical lives in a multitude of ways and we don’t even realize it. To illustrate this,...