Almost Christian (Acts 19:1-7) In recent days there has been a rise in people that profess to be Chrisitan but are not really Christian. They profess their selves to...
Making Disciples Means Making Disciples (Acts 18:18-28) The Church is to go forth and make disciples. And part of this task is recognizing the giftings that God has given to people in their...
How Do We Know God Exists? The Prerequisites For Human Flourishing Prove It I have often been struck by what people imagine to be the best society for human flourishing vs how the world was created. This is one of...
Rest And Work In The Sovereign Care Of God (Acts 18:1-17) Paul had a rough time in Athens. And from there he went to Corinth, where things were not immediately any better. But God would once again...
How Do We Know God Exists? Our Desire Proves It I would like to spend more time thinking about the way society has developed, but I want to look at it in a different way. Today I would...
Compassionate Confrontation (Acts 17:22-34) Last week we saw the compassion of Paul toward the idolatrous people of Athens, and the sermon was about us having similar compassion for...
Be Provoked By The Pagans (Acts 17:16-21) I don’t believe that there is an understanding of the times by most Christians in America today. In 1 Chronicles the men of Issachar were...
Be A Noble Church (Acts 17:10-15) The Bereans have a noble place in Christian circles. Because of the way they treated God’s Word in our text today, we still talk about...
Go Forth And Trouble The World (Acts 17:1-9) When a majority of society is living in rebellion, it is the Christian that is causing trouble for everyone. If a brothel is running strong...