God Revealed His Love To Us And We Reveal God’s Love To The World (1 John 4:7-12) Our world is very unloving and unkind. And I think we see that with great clarity today. When the internet and social media began a lot of...
The Sixth Commandment (Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17) This would seem to be the most easily understood of the Ten Commandments. “Do not murder” is something that everyone seems to know...
Jesus Doesn’t Fit Into Your Life Plan (Luke 24) Big news changes everything. If you have children, then you remember how much the news that was delivered to you via the pregnancy test...
The King And His Cross (Mark 15) Christians are the people of the cross. We hang those symbols on our walls and around our necks. We decorate with it and it brings us...
Jesus: King of Glory (Psalm 24) Jesus is King. It’s a declaration that we should have written all over our lives. And we saw this morning that Jesus declared it on Palm...
The Coming Of The Long Awaited King (Mark 11:1-11) Our society would like to see Jesus anywhere but on His throne. Our society would be pleased if Jesus would just jump on board with their...
The Fifth Commandment Everything to do with the family seems to be devalued in our day. Grandparents are devalued. Parents are devalued. A lot of parents don’t...
Overcomers, Be Discerning (1 John 4:1-6) Last week we saw the incredible confidence and assurance that John bestowed upon those who believed in Jesus, the real Jesus that was...
All Praise Be To God! He Exalted People, And Sent His Son For Their Salvation (Psalm 8) Some of the Psalms play major roles in the New Testament. Psalm 8 is one of them. But at first glance this seems like an odd choice. I...