The Ninth Commandment (Exodus 20:16, Deuteronomy 5:20) Our day and culture is not one of truthfulness. It’s just not. You cannot trust people to tell the truth in our day. I cannot trust news...
Working Through Doubts And Trusting In The Justice Of The Lord (Psalm 10) We know that God is righteous and just. We know that God is our defender and that His character is such that He will bring justice upon the...
Christian, You Are Victorious Over The World Because You Believe God’s Testimony (1 John 5:5-12) Last week we ended by discussing the victory we have over the world, which is our faith. Now, John is going to dive deep into this idea and...
The Eighth Commandment (Exodus 20:15, Deuteronomy 5:19) My wife and I just sold and bought a house. And there was a lot of paperwork involved in both of those things. I complained the whole time...
Ponder God’s Wonderful Deeds And Character In Times Of Trouble (Psalm 9) We live in tumultuous times. The Federal Government is currently involved in a lawsuit with a Christian school over whether or not they...
Christians Have Been Born Again And Enabled To Believe, Love Their Brothers And Sisters, And Love God (1 John 5:1-4) We want to take credit for everything. There is something within us that causes us to desire to be, not only our own bosses, but the center...
The Seventh Commandment (Exodus 20:14, Deuteronomy 5:18) Ours is an age of intense confusion over all things sexual. And it seems that everywhere we turn there is someone or something attempting...
God’s Sovereign Care Of Us During Our Times Of Weak Faith: The Story Of Ruth The story of Ruth is very touching. It is touching to see the devotion of Ruth to Naomi. It is touching to see Ruth not end up on her...
The Holy Spirit Gives Confidence By Giving Understanding And Teaching Love (1 John 4:13-21) I was in youth ministry for over 10 years. Really, close to 15 at this point. And one thing that bothered me the entire time was the way...