The Baptist Faith And Message Article 2B Part 2 There is a lot to discuss here concerning God the Son. There is a lot of territory that has been controversial throughout the ages. And it...
Who May Enter God’s Presence? (Psalm 15) The attitude of most people today is that of flippancy toward God. That is not what one finds throughout the pages of Scripture and...
You Were Built For Community (Genesis 2:18-23) As I have mentioned a few times since beginning this series on Genesis, we get a better understanding of ourselves as we read and think...
The Priest King Reigns And Will Reign Completely To The Ends Of The Earth (Psalm 110) On Thursday afternoon about a half hour before I would be leaving to go to parent training as part of Haddon’s therapy I was struck with...
The Garden Temple And Its Keepers (Genesis 2:9-18) One of our catechism questions for our family is, “Why did God make you?” It is the Christian way of asking what your purpose is in...
Trust The Lord As The Wicked Embrace Corruption And Bring Persecution (Psalm 14) We do not know the circumstances that surrounded the writing of this Psalm. Of course, there are guesses. But we have seen the situation...
From Dust To Dignity (Genesis 2:4-8) We live in a society that does not treat others in a dignified manner. If you are a conservative, then it is likely that you listen to and...
Work Hard And Rest Satisfied (Genesis 1:28-2:3) Work does not receive the honor that it deserves in this world. And it makes sense. It really does. Work is not as it was created to be. It...
The Baptist Faith And Message Article 2B: God the Son (Part One) There is one area of Doctrine that comes up over and over again and it is the person of Jesus Christ. We went into some detail about this...