The Horror Of Sin (Genesis 4) Here is the video for the sermon. If you’d like to read it instead, just scroll on past it. Genesis 4 is a genealogy. But that...
Removed From God’s Presence And The Way Back Home (Genesis 3:20-24) Here is the video of the sermon. If you’d rather read it, then just scroll on past the video. We don’t live in Eden and that...
Remember And Be Thankful (Psalm 18) As a general rule people who are thankful look back at their lives and see all the good things that God has done for them. Bitter people...
The Curse And Our Deliverance (Genesis 3:14-19) Life is hard. It really is. And in Genesis 3 we have a description of why there is so much difficulty in this life. Last week we saw that...
God, Arise And Come To Your Servant’s Aid (Psalm 17) There are times in our lives when we look around and realize that things are not going the way that we think they should. In fact, there...
Lies, Deception, Destruction, And The Restoration Of Your Soul (Genesis 3:1-13) John Milton’s epic poem “Paradise Lost” was a dramatic, and rather creative at times, retelling of the story of Scripture. The first...
The Baptist Faith And Message Article 2 B Part 3 Today we will continue our move, line by line through the Baptist Faith and Message. Last week we made it through the Incarnation, which is...
The Cry Of The Believer’s Heart (Psalm 16) As a general rule, we have convictions about life and then when things happen we make decisions that conform to those convictions. It’s...
What God Has Created, Let Not Man Redefine (Genesis 2:15-25) In his essay, “Marriage and the Modern Mind” from 1932, G.K. Chesterton lamented different things taking place that existed to erode...