Be Wise, Build Your Home, Get Praised (Proverbs 14:1) It is typical for a pastor to stand up and heap praise upon mothers on Mother’s Day and rip the fathers to shreds on Father’s Day. In...
The Baptist Faith and Message 2000 Article XV: The Christian and the Social Order I obviously did not plan for us to speak on this just a few days before the Supreme Court documents were leaked, but this is a fun way to...
Stop Whining and Do Something (Luke 19:11-27) Harvard and Yale Universities were created as Christian Institutions. One of Yale’s presidents was the great pastor and theologian,...
Death Conquering, World Subduing Resurrection Hope (1 Corinthians 15:19-28) Easter oftentimes come to us like it has this year. In fact, I have often heard people say that there is one last snap of cold winter...
Why Do We Call Good Friday “Good”? Because Our King Suffered And Will Reign Forever (Isaiah 52:13-53:12) Why do we call Good Friday “good”? Jesus Christ, the only perfect human being to walk this planet was betrayed by a friend, wrongly...
Trust the King and Receive His Grace, Or You Will Face His Wrath (Luke 19:28-44) Jesus is Lord. He is King over all. And we proclaim that loudly here at Victory Baptist Church. He is not just Lord over my life. He is...
God Sees You (Genesis 16) It feels as if I discuss hard times a lot in sermons. Well, it’s because Scripture talks a lot about hard times. And for good reason. We...
The Baptist Faith and Message 2000 XII. Education Education is a major topic today. And the topic of education is of massive importance to our church, our society, and the world. That is...
Walk In Obedience As You Wait For The Lord (Genesis 16) When I was in High School and a young adult I would go fishing with my parents and friends at an undisclosed location. If I ever go back I...