How Do You Know God Exists? The Heavens Declare It (Psalm 19:1)

R. Dwain Minor   -  

We live in a society that doesn’t automatically understand that God exists or that he created all things. And, whether you’ve heard it online or in a personal discussion, this is probably a question that has come up.

So, how do you know that God exists?

Well, God has revealed Himself to us in nature, in His creation. And today we will look specifically at the heavens. The heavens are the sun, moon, and stars. The heavens is a way of describing those things that we look at in awe and wonder on a clear night.

Look at what Psalm 19:1 tells us about God.

“…The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1 ESV)

There are many things to say here, but I will limit it to just one. The universe is filled with beauty and order. We look at the sky and we don’t see everything moving around in complete chaos. We see beauty and order. We see all things being held together somehow. And we understand that to be because God made it so.

You wouldn’t find a beautiful watch sitting in the parking lot, ticking away and keeping perfect time, and think to yourself that it just came into being by random circumstance. Neither should you look at the Universe and see how it is functioning in beauty and order and think to yourself, “Chaos and chance made this thing occur.” It is obvious, as we give a little thought to it that a higher intelligence put all this together.

That being of higher intelligence is God.

Our own earth is a perfect example of this. The planet that you and I inhabit is in the exact right location for us to survive. Any closer to the sun and we would cease to exist. And, any further away and we wouldn’t have enough light and heat. That is why the place our planet inhabits is called “The Goldilocks Zone.”

And all of this beauty and order, the ability to have life itself on our planet should cause us to be struck with awe and wonder at God who did all of this. The heavens don’t just declare God’s existence. The heavens declares the glory of God who created it.

It was just a few months ago that people all over this area went outside for a few minutes to see the solar eclipse. For a brief moment we were all staring up at the sky and catching a glimpse of the beauty and glory of God’s creation. As it became cold and dark we were struck by many things. But one of those things should have been wonder at God who created everything.

So, how do we know that God exists?

Well, the heavens declare it to us.

If you want to know more about your relationship with God, then I would encourage you to follow this link and read this ebooklet from our church. 


R. Dwain Minor